May day 2023

Worker's Day - May Day 2023

01 May 2023

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COSATU May Day 2023 - Eastern Cape
COSATU May Day 2023  - Gauteng
COSATU May Day 2023 - KwaZulu-Natal
COSATU May Day 2023 - Limpopo
COSATU May Day 2023 - Mpumalanga
COSATU May Day 2023 - Northern Cape
COSATU May Day 2023 - North West
 CoSATU May Day 2023 - Western Cape

NEHAWU STATEMENT On International Worker's Day

The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] joins millions of workers across the world in celebrating International Workers Day. As NEHAWU, we salute and pay homage to millions of workers.

This year marks the 137th anniversary when workers in Chicago, United States of America stood up and demanded eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

We are celebrating international worker’s day against the background of a deepening crisis of capitalism which has resulted in global crisis of unemployment, high levels of inequality, and extreme poverty. Workers and the working class have had to endure the miseries, pains and suffocation brought about by this barbaric and inhumane system of capitalism.

The clarion call made by the Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the Communist Manifesto: “Workers of the World Unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains” remains relevant now more than ever before, given the prevailing conditions that confront workers and the working-class in its entirety. There exists an urgent necessity abolish capitalism and usher in a socialist order.

As we mark this day, as workers, we must to unite to fight against capitalist exploitation, poverty wages and the growing inequality. We must take a stand against the attacks on collective bargaining and the curtailing of workers’ rights. Just like the workers of 1886, we must continue with the struggle in the present day as workers are still subjected to unbearable working conditions, slave wages, victimisation, retrenchments and union bashing.

On this occasion, as workers we must re-dedicated ourselves to the noble and worthy cause of fighting and demanding a living wage, fight against retrenchments, agentification, privatisation, casualisation and outsourcing amongst others.

Equally, we must intensify our campaigns against implementation of austerity measures, creation of decent jobs, living wage in all sectors, campaign for better working conditions, the implementation of National Health Insurance and Quality Healthcare System, Free Education, and Social Security amongst others.

Lastly, let’s use this occasion to continue to protect and advance the interest of workers by fighting for improved conditions of service, better wages, better working environment and defending collective bargaining and rights of workers. Let’s us continue to recognise and preserve the importance of International Workers Day and our role as the trade union movement in taking forward the working-class struggle. END Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat

NEHAWU and COSATU Deployments

Province Venue Deployed
Northern Cape and Free State Joing Event Bethlehem Showgrounds COSATU President Cde Zingiswa Losi
Eastern Cape Sisa Dukashe Stadium, East London COSATU ---
NEHAWU - 1st Deputy President cde Nyameka Macanda
Gauteng Saulsville Arena, No2 Malebye Street, Pretoria COSATU President - Cde Michael Madala Shingange
Limpopo Mapodile Stadium, Eeerste Geluk, Longtill
KwaZulu-Natal Curries Fountain Stadium COSATU Deputy General Secretary - Cde Gerald Twala
NEHAWU General Secretary - Cde Zola Saphetha
KwaZulu-Natal Esikhawini TVET College Hall
Mpumalanga March to LouwreekLily Mine, Barberton COSATU General Secretary - Cde Solly Phetoe
NEHAWU Deputy General Secretary - Cde December Mavuso
North West Colridge Stadium, Ruth Segomotsi Nompati District COSATU 2nd Deputy President - Cde Duncan Luvuno
NEHAWU 2nd Deputy President - Cde Patrick Makhafane
Western Cape Middelpos Hall, Saldanha, West Coast COSATU National Treasurer - Cde Freeda Oosthuysen
NEHAWU National Treasurer - Cde Khomotso Makhupola

Issued by NEHAWU Secretariat
Zola Saphetha (General Secretary) at 082 558 5968;
December Mavuso (Deputy General Secretary) at 082 558 5969;
Lwazi Nkolonzi (NEHAWU National Spokesperson) at 081 558 2335 or email:


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